process through which religion's influence on other social institutions diminishes.
The U.S. government maintains a policy of "separation of church and state." The relationship between the church and the government in the U.S. illustrates
Èmile Durkheim
Which sociologist was perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies?
based on a distinction between the sacred and the profane
According to Émile Durkheim, religion is
elements beyond everyday life that inspire, awe, respect, and even fear
The concept of the sacred encompasses
Many cultures have shamans, or spiritual guides, who assist individuals on spiritual journeys to the "underworld" or some other non-earthly realm. These shamanic journeys would likely be considered part of
The ordinary and commonplace events of life are classified as
both sacred and profane
According to your text, a table, an incense stick, and candelabra can all be considered
Which is the single largest faith in the world?
eastern India
Buddhism emerged in
Sixth century
When did the religion known as Buddhism first develop?
social support function
Churches that serve as training grounds for community leaders and allow members to refine their organizational skills are performing a
Functionalist Perspective
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society?
dysfunctions of religion
Religious loyalties that contribute to tension and even conflict between groups or nations are referred to as
death of a loved one, something "senseless"occurs, serious injury or illness
When is religion often called upon in the daily lives of individuals?
the connection between religious allegiance and capitalist development
Max Weber examined
Max Weber
Which sociologist published a book in 1904 in which he noted that it was no mere coincidence that an overwhelming number of business leaders, owners of capital, and skilled workers were Protestants, not Catholics?
The Protestant ethic
A belief system which emphasizes a disciplined work ethic, this-worldy concerns and a rational orientation to life is called
The Protestant Ethic
What term did Max Weber use to refer to a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life emphasized by John Calvin and his followers?
Liberation theology
refers to the use of a church, primarily the Roman Catholic Church, in a political effort to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice.
Gustavo Guitiérrez
Liberation theology was first advocated by
liberation theology
When a Catholic church in South America leads a movement to earn equal rights for poor women, this is an example of
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually does influence social behavior, it reinforces existing patterns of dominance and inequality?
Karl Marx
Which sociologist noted that religions often drug the masses into submission by offering a consolation for their harsh lives on earth and the hope of salvation in an ideal afterlife?
Religious beliefes
Statements to which members of a particular religion adhere are known as
Religious beliefes
Members of a religious group think that God meant for people "to be fruitful and multiply." Therefore, they permit men to have several wives at one time. This is an example of a
Religious rituals
Practices required or expected of members of a faith are known as
Emphasis on the doctrinal conformity and literal interpretation of religious texts is known as
religious rituals
On the Jewish holiday of Passover, Jews are expected to eat matzo, or unleavened bread, during their seder, or holiday dinner, rather than the bread they eat during the rest of the year. Eating the matzo and having a seder are examples of
religious rituals
Facing east toward Mecca while saying one's morning prayers is a characteristic of the Muslim religion. This behavior is an example of a
What is the term used to refer to the pilgrimage by Muslims to the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia?
religious expereince
The feeling of exaltation that a person has when hearing a choir sing is characterized as a
A religious organization that is recognized as the national or official religion is known as a (an)
large organized religion that is not officially linked to the state or government.
relatively small religious group that has broken away from some oterh religious organization to renew what it considers the original vision of the the faith.
established sect
religious group that is the outgrowth of a sect, yet remains isolated from society.
The great majority of Muslims in the United States are of which type?
a generally a small, secretive religious group that represents either a new religion or a major innovation of an existing faith.
A new religious movement or cult is
manifest function of education
Teaching students about the physical and political geography of their state, their country, and the world is a (an)
manifest functions of education
Teaching students to read and write, to calculate numbers, and to master the facts of their society's history are all examples of
manifest function of education
Bestowing status on students by awarding them a diploma after they have successfully completed all graduation requirements would be considered a
manifest function of education
Teaching students to be on time, respect authority, and follow directions would be considered a
latent function of education
A college requires students to live on campus during their first two years to help foster a sense of community among diverse groups.
Functionalist perspective
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of education in human society?
Functonalist perpsective
Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the common identity and social integration fostered by education contributes to overall societal stability and consensus?
cultural diversity
In schools in the U.S., bilingualism has been defended on the grounds that it is a means to encourage
integrative function
In the past, the promotion of a common language was one of the most obvious examples of the ___________of education in the U.S.
political integration
Critics of bilingualism in schools in the U.S. argue that bilingualism undermines the social and ____________that education has traditionally promoted.
social control
Teachers and guidance counselors may encourage male students to pursue careers in the sciences, but they steer equally talented female students into careers as early childhood teachers. Such socialization into traditional gender roles is considered a form of
an "agent of social change"
Sex education classes, affirmative action admissions programs, and Project Head Start were initiated as
Robin Williams
pointed out that better-educated people tend to have greater access to factual information. In addition, better-educated people tend to hold more diverse opinions, and better-educated people possess the ability to make subtle distinctions in analysis.
Functunalist perspective
Which sociological perspective portrays contemporary education as basically benign—for example, it argues that schools rationally sort and select students for future high-status positions, thereby meeting society's need for talented and expert personnel?
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective views education as an instrument of elite domination?
standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools.
The "hidden curriculum" refers to
hidden curriculum
In the U.S., schoolchildren are taught not to speak until the teacher calls on them and to regulate their activities according to clocks or bells. This learning experience is referred to as
hidden curriculum
Japanese students are offered guidance sessions to improve the classroom experience and instill values useful in the Japanese business world. These sessions are an example of a
hidden curriculum
In Cuba and China, students are taught how to cooperate and work together to achieve a common goal. This is an example of
Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore
believed society must distribute its members among a variety of social positions and that education can contribute to this process.
Conflict perspective
Which sociological perspective is most critical of the differential way in which education bestows status?
The practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores and other criteria.
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
argued that capitalism requires a skilled, disciplined labor force, and that the educational system of the United States is structured with that objective in mind
Interactionalist perpsective
The teacher-expectancy effect reflects the views of which sociological perspective?
Howard S. Becker
studied both poor and affluent Chicago schools and noted administrators expected less of children from poorer neighborhoods?
Lenore Jacobson
Which researcher's work yielded the concept referred to as the "teacher-expectancy effect?"
Max Weber
analysis of bureaucracies has been applied to schools in the U.S. because of the growing number of students enrolled in schools and the greater degree of specialization required within a technologically complex society?
division of labor characteristic of a bureaucracy
When a school district hires a staff member who only works with students who have specific reading difficulties, this is an example of the
hierarchy of authority characteristic of a bureaucracy
When a teacher's aide must report to her teacher, and the teacher must report to his assistant principal, who then must report to her principal, who then must report to the superintendent, who ultimately is responsible to the board of education, this is an example of the
written rules and regulations characteristic of a bureaucracy
When a teacher spends eighty-percent of her time filling out proper forms required by the school district and the rest of her time actually teaching, this is an example of the
Impersonality characteristic of a bureaucracy
When you enroll in your freshman Introduction to Sociology course at your college and it is held in a large auditorium with stadium seating and holds upwards to over one-hundred students with a single instructor behind a lectern, this is an example of the
employment bbased on technical qualificatins characteristic of a bureaucracy?
When a professor receives a promotion when she publishes a journal article within her body of expertise instead of the department chair's brother-in-law who used to be a cashier but could really use the money, this is an example of
Feminist perspective
Which perspective generally takes a positive view on the bureaucratization of education?
Conflict perspective
Which perspective views the bureaucratization of education as simply a reflection of the values of powerful groups in society?
Academic subculture
Which of the college subcultures identifies with the intellectual concerns of the faculty and values knowledge for its own sake?
Quality control
What is considered a major issue regarding home-schooling?