The scenario of this exam question is: Goat and Computer aid projects have been launched.

After a fundraising activity I have IEEE. Do I donate to Goat or Computer aid? Both will send aid to Kenya. The purpose of sustainable aid is to help people and countries with long term help that keeps giving to them. Goat lad Is a program that buys local goats and sells them to poor families.

This scheme has many advantages such as giving the children responsibility.This Is good cause It will give the children a sense of responsibility that Is needed to possibly land a Job and get out of poverty, which Is the whole point of the program. The pillar for this Is economic as It will create Jobs opportunity for them. Another advantage Is It provides education In caring and will enable them to get a Job.

This Is also economic as It will give them the ability to get Jobs. A final advantage Is that the goat will give them hide, milk, kids, manure and other things.This will bring the family none and get them out of poverty. This Is under the social tree because It will improve their standard of living.

The disadvantages are that goats will eat everything, including crops which will set your produce back. Another disadvantage is that if you have many goats, they may spread disease and that will affect your plan for them. The final disadvantage is that you need an area to raise them, with lots of grass to feed them, which might mean you have to sacrifice crops.