This part of the report would be presenting a theoretical statement that shapes the foundation of the survey of project.

It renders support and provides a brief introduction about various strategies and techniques being applied during the process of research. Different research methods put up in the report is defined by this section (Ethridge, 2004). The practical part of the project undertaken is also revealed by research methodology chapter. Many research instruments and philosophy was developed in order to achieve a particular aim as well as for tracking out the solutions for problems in an effective manner (Gibaldi, 2010).Any researcher can come to its conclusion by employing two methods i.

e. primary research and secondary research. 1. Primary research – It is defined as that method in which the information is collected for the first time by the researcher from a specific source. It can be both in qualitative and quantitative term.

For collecting quantitative information, survey method is used. On the other hand, qualitative information is gathered by conducting interviews and focus group method (Walton, n. d). 2. Secondary research – It is that method in which information is collected from secondary sources such as journals, scholar’s articles and books.

This method is more reliable as it is based on facts and figures evaluated from the authorized readings. Here in this study, secondary research method would be adopted by the researcher for the purpose of collecting information in relations with the topic of the research. In this regards, many books, journals, articles from scholars and authors are explored. Views and ideas can be evaluated from these sources.

The secondary source gives an overview of the topic and supports the further proceedings of the research (Gill and Johnson, 2002). This research is Qualitative research.The collected data from various sources will be analyzed by using qualitative research. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND OBSTACLES It is not feasible for the researcher to collect the data without having prior knowledge and understanding about the research methodology as well as various factors affecting the selection of data collection methods. In order to achieve the research aims and objectives, evaluation of research philosophies, strategies, approaches and designs will also be one by researcher. This will help him to choose a best method for gathering data.

A complete understanding of research methodology amplifies the authenticity of the collected data. Research Philosophy Understanding the nature and design of the study in an efficient manner, research philosophy will be very helpful for the researcher. There are three different types of philosophies such as positivism, interpretivism and realism. In each and every research study, these philosophies posses their own significance. However in this study, researcher will implement positivism philosophy (Merriam, 2009). This philosophy is more apt in the survey with a large number of samples.

This method focus on facts builds up a hypothesis and finally evaluates them. Research Approaches The effectiveness of the report is increased by the help of Research approach. After selecting appropriate philosophy for the research, next step is to choose the best approach for the specified issues. This is being done so as to select the optimal data collection method. It is very significant to administer the research methodology process and to give justification of selecting the method of research (Goddard and Melville, 2004).

There are two kinds of research approaches, Deductive and inductive.Both these approaches are entirely different from one another. Here, in this study, inductive approach will be used by the researcher as the issue of the research is very specific and there is no need to develop any hypothesis. The issue concerning the research is linked with many factors and does not require any theory. Therefore, inductive approach will be more justified as compare to deductive (Jackson, 2008). Deductive approach lays emphasis on general information for the development of theory and hypothesis.

Research ObstaclesMany obstacles come in the way of accomplishing the research study as it is very critical task. Some of the obstacles are in regards with time and money. Researcher has very limited time for conducting a proper research and in-depth analysis of the issue. Huge money will be required in order to explore a wide range of data and information. Limited availability of time will compel the researcher to take a small number of samples.

Researcher will not be able to evaluate a wide range of books, articles and journals in a short period of time, which in turn affect the reliability and consistency of the report.The Findings of the research cannot be generalized as it has been conducted in a confined area or related with the particular topic to conduct. This Report includes thoughts and views of various different authors through literature review which may be contradictory at times. Secondary Data collection method was being used in order to gather data from the various sources.

The views of authors can be prejudiced or it may be not relevant to the research. CONCLUSION On the basis of above facts and figures, it can be concluded that this research study will going to provide a comparison of fashion between Islamabad and UK.It will also give an extensive overview of the term fashion and its related trends in both these nations. Fashion is defined as the spirit where each and every individual feels comfortable from their mode of clothing and this comfort gets converted in to a personal style. Lifestyle, culture and style of clothing in Islamabad are contrasted with that of UK.

It gives a deep knowledge about the current trends in fashion prevailing in both countries. Therefore, further research into this matter will help in drawing an overview of fashion in Islamabad and UK.REFERENCESBooks, articles and Journals Blaszczyk, L. R. , 2009.

Producing Fashion: Commerce, Culture and Consumers. University of Pennsylvania Press. Ethridge, D. , 2004. Research methodology in applied economics: organizing, planning, and conducting economic research.

2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell. Gehlhar. M. , 2008.

The Fashion Designer Survival Guide. Kaplan Publishing. Gibaldi, J. , 2010. Handbook of Writers of Research Papers.

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Research Methods for Managers. 3rd ed. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.